A little light reading…

What do you do when you’ve successfully gotten a demo to Mobile World Congress and you want to reward yourself?

Go order a little light reading of course! 🙂

Light reading

Amazon are really getting to like it when I log in at this stage I think 😀

Although, the more recent book purchase was with The Book Depository and between lower prices and free shipping, they actually worked out cheaper than Amazon did (and thanks to Neal Asher for that tip). They weren’t cheaper for every book though – ironically the science fiction books I was looking at were more expensive – but for the programming books I was looking for, they came in about seven or eight euros under amazon.com and their shipping is about six weeks faster than amazon’s, for free.… Read the rest

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Mobile World Congress 2010

Mobile World Congress entrance

Two years ago while I was working at dotMobi, I was one of the programmers working on the DeviceAtlas project, which launched at Mobile World Congress 2008. At the time, it was the largest launch I’d been involved in and it was quite a ride towards the end – when you’re launching to 60,000 people at the largest trade show in the world for your industry, the pressure is enormous.

So when Suura undertook to demo at this year’s Mobile World Congress, I knew we were in for a major project with a high workload. Or at least I thought I did, but if anything, I underestimated how much pressure there is for a small startup at this event. I’d like to say everything got done in normal business hours without stress, but I think everyone who’s ever even attended — let alone exhibited at — MWC would call me a liar!… Read the rest

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Moving from wordpress.com to wordpress.org

 As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been planning a move from wordpress.com to my own dedicated server for a while now, not only for this blog but also for On Target and Wallpaper and herself’s book site. I said I’d write things up once I was done, so…

Step one in this process was local testing. I already had a LAMP stack running locally on the r61 so I just had to create a directory, download the latest wordpress.org tarball and untar it into that directory, then edit wp-config.php, create a database for the site to use, and walk through the automatic install. Very easy, very clean, and took about ten minutes all told. Got to hand it to wordpress there, the man-hours that have gone into streamlining and debugging the install process really shows.… Read the rest

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