Oct 16

Smaller steps worked

So, after taking the three new bevel-edged chisels and my new โ…œ” mortice chisel (needed for the mortices for the slats’ tenons) to the 80-grit paper (I’ll do the stones and stropping tomorrow), it was on to taking the four ripped down 2x1x30″ ash boards and getting going on the resawing. I ran over each on four sides with the jack and the smoother to get a more square board, then gauged a midline down the edges of the board and penciled the gauge line for visibility, cut a starting notch with the chisel on the end grain and started in with the ryoba at a slow and steady pace. Leave dido singing away into one ear, and flip the board every other chorus line, and the saw just followed the line itself most of the time.


In fact the only times it drifted, the saw went from this nice sweet noise:

… to a horrid vibrating, shuddering noise and was a pain to hold onto. Which is a nice sort of warning mechanism I guess. Also, the shiny saw blade is damn useful – you can check the reflected edge in it, and so long as it looks like the edge behind it (as in, so long as the two edges seem parallel), you’re tracking fairly straight.


It’s an old trick, but it’s a useful one. The first of the four slats deviated by less than aย millimetre at the worst point and the cut was nice and clean:

2016-10-03-21-20-19aAnd the second cut did wander by nearly two millimeters at the worst point, but that’s still well within the tolerance for this job, so that’s four slats from two boards.


I did find it was really necessary to wedge the board as I resawed, to stop it clamping up on the blade – the moment it did that, the saw wanted to wander off and follow the grain line and not the gauge line. So I wound up using a long splinter of plywood from the floor, but in the opposite sense to how you’d normally wedge these things:


But it worked, it kept the saw moving freely and now I have four more slats done. Twelve more to go and I’ll get to the other two 2x1x30 blanks tomorrow. If all goes well, that’ll give me four more slats and I’ll just need eight more (but I’ll have two 8x1x30 boards out of the ash I have to give me those and with plenty spare as margin).

A bunch of bits for the shed arrived today as well, but I probably won’t get to add them in until the weekend (it’s the sockets and things to tidy up the electrics in there – it’s never going to run more than a few lights and a radio and an oil-filled radiator to keep the shed above freezing during the worst of winter, but I’d rather have actual sockets on the walls even if they’re only a fancy extension cord instead of an actual ring on the mains, just to keep it tidy and protect the wires in case I’m moving stuff in there and I wallop the wire with a board or something).

Also, this arrived today:


One wallpaper stripper, plus hose, plus a ten metre length of six-inch diameter thick polythene tube. Some of you have guessed what this is for already ๐Ÿ™‚ The rest will have to wait – I have a fair bit of work to do with forms and prep before I can play with this…

Oct 16

Weekend work

Not much progress on the project this weekend, the shed to-do list won this time. Started by getting the chisels off the bench and onto the wall in a very rough holder that I plan to replace later:


And it’s a good thing I plan to replace it because I was leaning over to the last screw on the left (there’s junk on the floor in the way) and slipped and squeezed the trigger on the drill driver:

2016-10-01-20-21-18aThis is the problem with power tools ๐Ÿ˜€

I knocked up a quick bench hook to match the shooting board, they’re nothing fancy but they’ll work for now:


And a few dogs with some of the bullet catches I got from ebay:


I also had a few of the latest bits off ebay arrive:


I was too sick of the mess from the titebond, so I got the silicone brush/tray/kit/thingy from rutlands. Wait for glue to dry, peel off from silicone, get on with it. Hopefully, anyway. I’ll find out for sure next week.


And a small set of three bevel-edged chisels for dovetail work (dovetails with a firmer chisel are a bit difficult). Came with a small gouge as well, which is a nice to have sort of thing. Dull as a bowling ball though and the previous owner had made a dogs breakfast of sharpening them the last time, with heat discolouration spots all over the shop and the edges were basically serrated. Not even 80-grit sandpaper would be enough to clean that up, so out with the grinder:


About 30-40 minutes of careful work and occasional mistakes and swearing and more work to fix them, and I had some cleaned-up edges at around 25 degrees (these are for paring, not wailing on with a mallet, so I wanted the lower angle);


Not perfect at all and that half-inch needed more work after that photo, but I have a straight primary bevel on all of them now and I’ll do a proper sharpening from 80-grit paper up through the stones to the strop next week. I might also tweak that chisel holder more. I don’t like it and it’s not staying (same for the plane holder), but I have actual projects to do that will take priority over stuff like that for a while.

For example, I also have four 2x1x30 boards to resaw down for slats during the week, and if I get through those I’ll probably cut down the 60″ board I have in reserve to two 30″ boards and start ripping one of those up for slats as well. A perfect result would be getting 8 slats from those 2x1x30s I have ready, 8 more from another 30″ board, and leaving me a 30″ and a 34″ to use for things like side panels (but that’s not critical and the slats are; I can buy more ash easily enough, it’s not the most expensive wood in the world just yet — though give the ash borer beetle in the US and that Russian fungus that’s throughout the EU and UK some time and it will be as ash will be extinct ๐Ÿ™ ).

Oct 16

Smaller bites

So, take two. After the mess of the first board, I’m going to try this a different way. I started by surface planing the next board just to clean it up, and then marking out the slats with the slat template before resawing it:


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