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One down…

Two angle blocks at the base of the front legs, two metal reinforcement banding straps at the top of the front legs, and plywood panels at the back and sides and…

Calling that done. There’s no more racking, so it’s fine to use the bandsaw for light work from there, there’s more clearance for the sander’s spindle so it’s easier to get that in and out of the cart than it was on the older one, and it’s about four centimetres less deep than the last cart, which is why you can now see the corner of the vice leg on the bench…

That’s a success, though you’ll notice the plywood under the wheels there. There’s a bit of 6mm MDF on the floor at the back which keeps the timber there off the floorboards because they weren’t exactly in the best of condition, but it’s not deep enough for both the front and back wheels of the cart to be on the MDF.… Read the rest

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First up, cannabilising the old cart 😀

And we’ve no room in the shed so…

It knows what it did, it can stay there.

Meanwhile the new cart is not as stable under racking as I’d like given that it’s got a (sometimes running) bandsaw on it. So…

Used some left-over ash slats that hadn’t been resawn well and so wouldn’t have been used in anything else…

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New carts

The machines in the shed take up too much room.

And even the support machines for the machines take up too much room.

But the bandsaw does earn its keep and you can’t do bandsaw boxes without the sander and the thicknesser just removes the worst of the donkey work (and face it, in the 17th and 18th centuries, you had thicknessers too, you just called them apprentices) and you can’t use any of them without dust collection (well, you can, but the cleanup takes longer than doing the job by hand would have most of the time). Hence the shop vac and the cyclone. But they’re all just piled on top of each other and the bandsaw and sander are in a huge clunky cart that I threw together as fast as possible rather than making properly.… Read the rest

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