So, after the whole resin-casting-a-mug thing, it’s fair to say that the shed was in need of a cleanup…

Turns out, sanding resin will actually leave a bit of residue. Also, the shavings are starting to pile up again…

And the bandsaw is getting buried…

And the shop vac wasn’t actually vac-ing much either. So I started there, and checked the drum for the vortex separator, but it wasn’t even a tenth full, so I took out the filter from the shop vac…

And sure enough, there’s the problem:

Totally clogged with fines. So out with a stanley knife, and scrape all the dust off because I don’t have a spare filter right now. Took about five minutes, and it’s definitely not perfect but it’ll hold till I get a new one:

Then dustpan and brush to fix the floor:

And then wipe down the planes, and dip the handles of all the chisels in a jar of BLO and wipe down the handle and blade (after getting rid of all the surface rust with a scotchbrite pad), and all the marking gauges and so on:

And clean up the bandsaw and restack everything and wax the table…

Yeah, it’s not exactly tidy, but you try putting a litre in a pint pot sometime.
I mean, this is the After photo:

Well, now you know why I don’t have a lathe…
Tags: cleaning