IBM is *really* into patents and makes it quite easy to file for one. And they have a rewards system for successful filings. Quite a few people in here have literally dozens…
"Trump does not want 'to do anything to hurt Ireland' " day, 200% tariff on Irish whiskey, beer, all alcoholic products. I mean, you'd think RTE would be faster learners [...]
Forget smoke breaks, sketch breaks are the in thingSkyview tower, Smithfield #mastoart #irishart [...]
Sortof sneaks past you, doesn't it? Five years since the first #Covid19 lockdown.Looking at the news, it almost seems like we learned nothing as well :( #mastodaoine [...]
Saying this as someone who's written firearms legislation and owned firearms for over 20 years and represented my country in Olympic target shooting and trained maybe a thousand people to [...]
You have to love @WaterfordWhispers ... #uspol [...]