Home / 2009 (Page 14)

Blogging for Tubridy…

One of the first questions any non-blogger asks about blogging when talking about it with a blogger is usually “why do you do it?”.Ryan Tubridy’s show this morning (yes, I was a bit late out the door 😀 ) was somewhat different (as commented on elsewhere today) – he’s already got an answer in mind. Shame that answer is “because you’re all a pack of unqualified attention-seeking amateurs”… and downright rude for him to have that in mind when talking to bloggers face-to-face. It’s like hauling in a guest only to tell them they look ugly with all that new weight they’re carrying…

I did try making two points by text message, but only the first got on air, namely that being a journalist really only qualifies you to talk about journalism.… Read the rest

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Right about now I suspect everyone is learning what a lot of postgrad computer science students learn in their first week: A computer network is a system where your work can be completely buggered up by a computer you’ve never heard of, in an office you have no access to, run by someone you can’t contact, but which you can’t replace or route around 😀

Well, that or they’re learning to use mutt and IMAP and reading their google email that way, which still works fine 😀… Read the rest

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