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ash bandsaw beech bench crib dovetails hand tools nokia oak planes poplar resawing shed shellac stringing sycamore tools walnut Woodworking Workshop
I can't help but think that at this rate, in five or six years, PrimitiveTechnology will be smelting bronze and starting to work on steam engines... and by that time, [...]
Getting so the most positive thing you can say about #uspol is [...]
You'd be wondering how long Trump will tolerate Musk and all his talk of trains-mars orbits when even wooly mice are being banned. Though maybe he can "accidentally" pronounce it [...]
Breakfast at work is occasionally not horrible #mastodaoine [...]
So the TransAtlantic Data Protection Framework agreement requires an oversight body on the US side which is currently nonfunctional (it's not quorate because they fired all the democrat members of [...]