Mar 09

Irish telephony costs

You know, most folks think we’re pretty expensive as places to get a telephone line go. The thing is, they’re wrong.

Chart showing line rental charges across the EU

Chart showing line rental charges across the EU

Turns out we’re the most expensive. Of any country in the world. Great thing to say about a country where the internet is fairly critical for the economy…

From Ireland Offline

Mar 09

Fujitsiu LT C-500 touchscreen in Ubuntu

Just as a small note to anyone trying to get this to work, the fpit driver has a bug in every version of ubuntu up to and including hardy; upgrade to intrepid and you get fully a functional touchscreen again, using this xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "touchscreen"
    Driver         "fpit"
    Option         "Device"    "/dev/ttyS1"
    Option        "BaudRate"    "9600"
    Option        "MaximumXPosition"    "4096"
    Option        "MaximumYPosition"    "4096"
    Option        "MinimumXPosition"    "0"
    Option        "MinimumYPosition"    "0"
    Option        "Passive"
    Option        "SendCoreEvents"
    Option        "TrackRandR" "true"

Just don’t try using KDE4 unless slow-motion work sounds appealing 😀 XFCE is reasonable though, so Xubuntu is an option (and what I’m running on it right now).

Now, on with the PyQT4 coding…