Jan 08

Multiple databases in Drupal

Have to say, while MDB2 has the more straightforward way of accessing multiple databases (just create more database objects using MDB2::factory()), drupal’s way of doing things is a long way from horrible.

To initialise:
[ccN lang=”php”]$db_url[‘default’] = ‘mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/drupal’;
$db_url[‘mydb’] = ‘mysql://user:pwd@localhost/anotherdb’;
$db_url[‘db3’] = ‘mysql://user:pwd@localhost/yetanotherdb’;[/cc]
And then to use:
[ccN lang=”php”]db_set_active(‘mydb’);
db_query(‘SELECT * FROM table_in_anotherdb’);
//Switch back to the default connection when finished.

Quite straightfoward looking. Now to see if it actually works! 🙂

Jan 08

4's dead baby

So PHP 4.4.8 is released, and that’s it for the whole PHP 4 line. No further normal releases are due and PHP 4 is no longer supported. Hopefully this will mean that the takeup figures for 5 get a sudden sharp upwards jolt!

It’s going to be interesting to watch as major apps like Drupal change over from having to provide legacy support for PHP4 and can start to use the better object model in 5 – the question will be, will we see an improvement in the quality of coding as the mainstream toolset improves?