I guess there’s irony in this, but less than a fortnight after submitting some code to mantisBT, I’m now trying to update a perl migration script (m2bz, by Julian Mehnle) to handle a migration from Mantis 1.0.3 to Bugzilla 3.0 (currently it works from Mantis 0.17.5 to Bugzilla 2.16.3).
I know, it’s no great hunk of coding, but I thought it was worth a grin.
(I should point out, by the way, that this isn’t because Mantis is bad software, it’s just that the time tracking chunk of Bugzilla is better than that of Mantis right now, and that’s something that’s required at the moment. There are other features in Bugzilla that are nice bits of icing as well, but the time tracking’s the main thing.)